Website guides, notes, and info:

Quick answers:

All new products should be added through the Website and will auto-sync with QuickBooks.

Manual adjustments to stock quantities for existing products must be updated through QuickBooks.

QuickBooks and Website inventory quantities sync on a 30 minute interval. If the product does not show up within 1 hour, please contact me at

If a customer was added to QuickBooks first, you can create their profile on the site by following this guide. As long as their username matches their display name, and their first and last names are identical, all WEB orders from their account will show up in their QuickBooks account.

All new customers that are created through the Website will be automatically added to QuickBooks.

Stock quantities will auto-update when a customer places an online order or when an invoice is created and sent in QuickBooks. If you need to add or adjust stock manually, update it through QuickBooks by clicking “Edit” on the product in the “Products & services” section of QuickBooks.


If you would like me to add more guides or answers, please contact me at


How to onboard a customer:

How to add a product:

How to change pricing for quartz levels:

How to change pricing for customer tiers:

How to update stock quantities:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time.